Enhanced Miners Table, ASIC Hostnames, Bug Fixes

Foreman has been updated with the following new features, improvements, and bug fixes:

New Features

Miner Table Overhaul

The miner table has been compressed, enabling users to view more miners in the same amount of vertical space:

Condensed miners table.

Additionally, fan speeds have been added as a column, with all fan speeds and temperatures available in hoverables:

Fans and temps.

Identifying miner information has been moved into a hoverable over the miner's name, further reducing noise, while maintaining the ability to quickly identify a miner when needed (available information: miner IP and MAC address).

Also, the table will now automatically refresh every 60 seconds, providing users with a way to observe up-to-date information while eliminating the need to refresh and lose page index, filtering, or sorting.

ASIC Hostname Usage

When desired, ASIC miner hostnames will now be used for miner names when performing a bulk ASIC import (currently only available for Antminers). Users have an option to enable this when initiating the Pickaxe Scan.

Use hostname for miner name (if available).

Mskminer Firmware Support

Mskminer-based Firmwares are now fully supported. This includes metrics collection, as well as providing the ability to perform remote reboots and pool changes.

Bug Fixes

New Srbminer-multi API Support

The srbminer-multi integration has been improved to gracefully handle parsing of the miner's new API responses.  Additionally, CPU mining is now supported.

Corrected T-rex HiveOS Integration

The t-rex telnet API is now properly invoked when the HTTP API is disabled, as observed in HiveOS.

Lolminer Hash Rates Fixed

The units are now respected, when provided, in newer versions of lolminer.  This addresses an issue where Ethash and Etchash hash rates were reported in Hs rather than MHs.

Ethminer API Password Fixed

Ethminer will now successfully be queried when no API password is provided.