
ASIC Rebooting and Bug Fixes

The Foreman dashboard has been updated with the following new features and improvements:

New Features

  • Implemented the ability to perform a remote reboot of ASICs from the Foreman dashboard! See this tutorial on how it works (note: you will need to upgrade your Pickaxe to 3.5.0 or later —click ‘Upgrade’ on your Pickaxe here):
  • Added ‘Change Pools’ and ‘Reboot’ actions to the miner actions list:
  • Added the ability to perform bulk imports of Antminer S17, Antminer S17+, and StrongU STU-2 devices.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a styling issue with the ‘MRR Rentals’ block that caused it to expand over other blocks.

Stay tuned for more updates! If you have any questions, contact us on Discord, Twitter, or send us an email!

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